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Schema for the Open Standards Community for Electron Microscopy (OSC-EM)


Name: oscem-schemas-spa


Class Description
Acquisition A set of parameteres describing the data acquisition
Any Any type, used as the base for type-narrowing.
Astigmatism Astigmatism-related metadata
BoundingBox2D an axis-aligned 2D bounding box (float units)
ChromaticAberrationCorrector Special device used to correct instrument inherent chromatic aberration.
Classes2D Class representing classes 2D metadata
Classes3D Class representing classes 3D metadata
Coordinates Class representing coordinates metadata
CTFs Class representing Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) metadata
Defocus Defocus-related metadata
Descriptor List of custom descriptors for user-defined key-value pairs describing how micrographs were obtained or any related information
        Descriptors None
EMDatasetBase OSC-EM Metadata for a dataset
        EMDatasetSpa Single particle cryo electron microscopy dataset
EnergyFilter A device used to filter for electrons with specific energy.
Funder Description of the project funding
Grant Grant
Grid Details on the grid used in the experiment.
ImageSize size of a 2D image (in integer units)
Instrument Instrument values, mostly constant across a data collection.
IsosurfaceImages Class for the isosurface images
Ligand Information on ligands if present.
Micrographs Class representing micrographs metadata
Molecule More detailed information about individual molecules.
Movies Class representing movies metadata
Organizational Overarching category for authors and grants
OrthogonalSlices Class for the orthogonal slices
OverallMolecule Description of the overall molecule
Person personal information
        Author Details on the person performing the experiment.
Phaseplate Used to modulate the phase of the electron wave.
Processing Set of parameters describing the data processing
QuantityValue if a value has a unit, it should be given as a unit value pair.
Range A range constructed from min and max
        Series A series of numbers constructed from min, max, and increment
Resolution Resolution-related metadata
Sample Unifying class to describe the full sample.
SpecialistOptics Optional optics used to correct for instrument limitations.
Specimen Description of specimen handling.
SphericalAberrationCorrector Special device used to correct instrument inherent spherical aberration.
Volume Class describing volume(s) obtained
Volumes Class representing volume metadata


Slot Description
acceleration_voltage Voltage used for the electron acceleration, in kV
amplitude_contrast Amplitude contrast
assembly What type of higher order structure your sample forms - if any
astigmatism Astigmatism metadata
astigmatism_histogram Filename of the astigmatism values histogram
authors List of authors associated with the project
beamshift Movement of the beam above the sample for data collection purposes that does ...
beamtilt Another way to move the beam above the sample for data collection purposes th...
beamtiltgroups Number of Beamtilt groups present in this dataset - for optimized processing ...
binning_camera Level of binning on the images applied during data collection
budget budget
buffer Name/composition of the (chemical) sample buffer during grid preparation
c2_aperture C2 aperture size used in data acquisition, in µm
calibrated_defocus Machine estimated defocus, min and max values in µm
calibrated_magnification Calculated magnification, no unit
chromatic_aberration_corrector Specialist device to correct for chromatic aberration of the microscope lense...
classes2D Classes 2D metadata
classes3D Classes 3D metadata
concentration Concentration of the (supra)molecule in the sample, in mg/ml
coordinates Coordinates metadata
country Country of the institution
cryogen Cryogen used in cooling the instrument and sample, usually nitrogen
cs Spherical aberration of the instrument, in mm
ctfs CTFs metadata
dark_image Dark image filename
date_time Time and date of the data acquisition
defocus Defocus metadata
defocus_histogram Filename of the defocus values histogram
defocus_micrograph_examples Filename of micrographs shown as examples in ascending order of defocus value
descriptor_name Name defining the descriptor
descriptor_thing Description of the descriptor
descriptors List of custom descriptors for user-defined key-value pairs describing how mo...
detector Make and model of the detector used
detector_mode Operating mode of the detector
dose_per_image Dose per image
dose_per_movie Average dose per image/movie/tilt - given in electrons per square Angstrom
electron_source Type of electron source used in the microscope, such as FEG
email email
embedding Whether the sample was embedded
end_date end date
energy_filter Wether an energy filter was used and its specifics
exposure_time Time of data acquisition per movie/tilt - in s
expression_system Scientific name of the organism used to produce the molecule of interest
film_material Type of material the support film is made of
film_support Whether a support film was used
film_thickness Thickness of the support film
film_topology Topology of the support film
first_name first name
frames_per_movie Number of frames that on average constitute a full movie, can be a bit hard t...
front_view Filename of the front view isosurface image
funder funding organization/person
funder_name funding organization/person
gain_image Gain image filename
gainref_flip_rotate Whether and how you have to flip or rotate the gainref in order to align with...
gene_name Name of the gene of interest
grant_name name of the grant
grants List of grants associated with the project
grid Description of the grid used
grids_imaged Number of grids imaged for this project - here with qualifier during this dat...
height The height of a given item - unit depends on item
holder Speciman holder model
holder_cryogen Type of cryogen used in the holder - if the holder is cooled seperately
humidity Environmental humidity just before vitrification, in %
illumination Mode of illumination used during data collection
image_size The size of the image in pixels, height and width given
images_classes_2D Filename of the image containing 2D class images
images_classes_3D Filename of the image containing 3D class images
images_generated Number of images generated total for this data collection - might need a qual...
imageshift Movement of the Beam below the image in order to shift the image on the detec...
imaging Mode of imaging used during data collection
increment Increment between elements of a series
initial_dose Initial dose
instrument_type Details of a given specialist instrument
isosurface_images isosurface images of volume
ligands List of ligands associated with the sample
manufacturer Grid manufacturer
material Material out of which the grid is made
maximal Maximal value of a given dataset property
mesh Grid mesh in lines per inch
micrograph_examples Filename of micrographs shown as examples in descending order based on the nu...
micrographs Micrographs metadata
microscope Name/Type of the Microscope
microscope_software Software used for instrument control,
minimal Minimal value of a given dataset property
model Make and model of a specilized device
molecular_class Class of the molecule
molecular_overall_type Description of the overall molecular type, i
molecular_type Description of the overall molecular type, i
molecular_weight Molecular weight in Da
molecule List of molecule associated with the sample
movies Movies metadata
name name
name_mol Name of an individual molecule (often protein) in the sample
name_org Name of the organization
name_sample Name of the full sample
natural_source Scientific name of the natural host organism
nominal_defocus Target defocus set, min and max values in µm
nominal_magnification Magnification level as indicated by the instrument, no unit
num_source_micrographs Total number of micrographs from which coordinates come from
number_micrographs Number of micrographs
number_particles Total number of particles
orcid ORCID of the author, a type of unique identifier
orthogonal_slices orthogonal slices of volume
orthogonal_slices_X Filename of orthogonal slices in X direction
orthogonal_slices_Y Filename of orthogonal slices in Y direction
orthogonal_slices_Z Filename of orthogonal slices in Z direction
output_avg_defocus Average value of defocus
output_avg_resolution Average value of resolution
output_max_defocus Maximum defocus
output_max_resolution Maximum resolution
output_min_defocus Minimum defocus
output_min_resolution Minimum resolution
overall_molecule Description of the overall molecule
particles_histogram Filename of histogram for particle number per micrograph
particles_per_2Dclass Number of particles per 2D class
particles_per_3Dclass Number of particles per 3D class
particles_per_micrograph Mean number of particles per micrograph
person person
ph pH of the sample buffer
phaseplate Phaseplate is a special optics device that can be used to enhance contrast
pixel_size Pixel size, in Angstrom
present Whether the model contains any ligands
pretreatment_atmosphere Atmospheric conditions in the chamber during pretreatment, i
pretreatment_pressure Pressure of the chamber during pretreatment, in Pa
pretreatment_time Length of time of the pretreatment in s
pretreatment_type Type of pretreatment of the grid, i
processing Processing information on the dataset
project_id project id
reference Link to a reference of your ligand, i
resolution Resolution metadata
resolution_classes_2D Resolution of classes 2D
resolution_classes_3D Resolution of volume
resolution_histogram Filename of the resolution values histogram
role Role of the author, for example principal investigator
sequence Full sequence of the sample as in the data, i
shadowing Whether the sample was shadowed
side_view Filename of the side view isosurface image
size Size of the volume
smiles Provide a valid SMILES string of your ligand
source Where the sample was taken from, i
specialist_optics Any type of special optics, such as a phaseplate
specimen Description of the specimen
spherical_aberration_corrector Specialist device to correct for spherical aberration of the microscope lense...
staining Whether the sample was stained
start_date start date
taxonomy_id_expression Taxonomy ID of the expression system organism
taxonomy_id_source Taxonomy ID of the natural source organism
temperature Environmental temperature just before vitrification, in K
temperature_range Temperature during data collection, in K with min and max values
top_view Filename of the top view isosurface image
type_org Type of organization, academic, commercial, governmental, etc
unit the unit of a given value
used whether a specific instrument was used during data acquisition
value the value of a field with a unit
vitrification Whether the sample was vitrified
vitrification_cryogen Which cryogen was used for vitrification
vol_number_particles Number of particles associated to volume
vol_resolution Resolution of volume
volume Describes volume(s) obtained
volume_type Indicates the type of volume
volumes Volume metadata
width The width of a given item - unit depends on item
width_energy_filter Width of the energy filter used
work_phone work phone
work_status work status
x_max maximum x
x_min minimum x
y_max maximum y
y_min minimum y


Enumeration Description
AssemblyEnum Allowed molecular assembly values - compatible with the EMDB
MoleculeClassEnum Allowed molecule class values - compatible with the EMDB
OrganizationTypeEnum Allowed values for authors organizations


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description